Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm Pro-Love

That Proposition 8 is back on California's political agenda is good, but that this is even still an issue blows my mind. Especially in a state such as California, which is regarded as one of the more liberal, forward-thinking states, it amazes me that the "threat to marriage" the overturning of Prop 8 presents has resulted in such an uproar by religious fanatics and their supporters.

The Protect Marriage group filed an appeal to Prop 8 being overturned. Protect Marriage? Are you kidding me? What exactly are you protecting? A 50% failure rate? A hetero couple's right to get hitched on a whim while drunk in Vegas? A woman going on her fourth nuptials? "Marriage is sacred." Not anymore, it isn't.

People that infringe on others' basic human rights are insecure cowards. If the biggest "contribution" you can make in your life is denying gays the right to legally declare their love and commitment and obtain the same protection that marriage offers straight couples, then you are a worthless human being.

This is a religious debate, hands down. I guess that "freedom of religion" bit is just to be ignored.

The only argument in favour of Prop 8 that makes even a remote shred of sense (but don't take that to mean I agree with it; I'm just playing Devil's advocate) is the argument that children should be brought up in a home with a mother and a father. This argument would all be fine and dandy, if Protect Marriage were also fighting against single parent homes, divorces, parenting by family members that are not technically the child(ren)'s parents (e.g.: grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings, Joey and uncle Jesse on Full House, etc) and any other marriage that by their definition isn't a "real" marriage.

How on earth did they come to the conclusion that a child being raised by two parents of the same sex is bad? Show me evidence that a child whose upbringing was by two men or two women has any less chance of success in life, whose social skills are hindered, who will be rejected and shunned by their peers.

This debate absolutely infuriates me. Granting gays the right to marry is akin to letting blacks sit wherever they want on the bus. Are we going to revisit the racial segregation debate? No, of course not, because thinking that people of one colour are somehow superior to those of another colour is foolish and misinformed, and any reasonable person will wholeheartedly agree with this. So how is the gay marriage debate any different?

Logical, sensible people - religious or otherwise - will recognize that allowing same-sex marriages poses no threat to their own "traditional" marriages, and will support that basic rights and freedoms be afforded to everyone, regardless of the gender of their partner.

I'm even pro-polygamy, if it weren't a fast track to minor girls being exploited (I'm looking at you, Bountiful). It's not for me, but if it works for others, why would I give a damn about it?

It's just love, guys. You're just denying the right to love and be loved in a way that's formally recognized.

You know what this planet needs more of?


So why are we arguing against it? I don't get it.